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3 Step Tutorial
Cars are crafted in the Automation Game Sandbox, a must-have for car enthusiasts. Available on Steam, the game offers a wealth of online tutorials to get you started.
1 Build a Factory Car:
The only specific requirement is that all quality sliders must be set to zero. Additionally, the design and appearance should align with the specified year. For further details, please consult the "Car Types" tab. The sales performance of the Factory Car, as calculated by Automation, will determine the quality bonus available to competition cars.
2 Competition Cars:
Competition cars are based on Factory Cars, sharing some components. If you haven't submitted a Factory Car yet, it must be sent along with your Competition Car. Factory Cars submitted after the Factory Car deadline will only contribute to a bonus in the next Factory Car submission deadline. Each Competition Car has specific requirements, which can be found in the "Car Types" tab.
3 Export:
Use Automation's export feature to generate your .car file and submit it using the SUBMIT CAR button or by sending a PM on the forums.
Enjoy the competition. You will gain or lose reputation depending on the results.
Start back at setp 1 if the next deadline is a Factory Car Submission
Repeat steps 2 and 3, if the next deadline is a competition Car Submission.
* (soon)
Detailed Instructions
Read the tutorial above before digging in the detailed instructions. If you still have a question after reading this, feel free to ask in our forum. If Mr. Franco don't answer you personaly, there are some nice felas that will.
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